Table of Contents


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Associated Schools of Construction: Proceedings of the 40th Annual Conference
Brigham Young University - Provo, Utah
April 8 - 10, 2004

Proceedings 2004

bulletOpen Source Software Defined with Considerations for Use in the Construction Contractor’s Office
bulletAn Historical Perspective to Project Delivery Systems
bulletRegional Study: Importance of Specified Hiring Criteria for Entry-Level Road Construction Managers
bulletUndergraduate Education
bulletThe Use of Extensible Markup Language (XML) in Creating Interoperable Construction Software Applications
bulletResearch in Progress Abstracts
bulletTable of Contents
bulletWeb-based Vector Graphics for Integrated Design Automation
bulletIdentifying Predictor Variables of Student Success in a Construction Management Program
bulletInsurance and Bond Rates Validates the Construction Industry Structure Model
bulletOwner Controlled Insurance Programs as a Tool of Construction Risk Management
bulletMarketing Strategies for Design-Build Delivery System
bulletStrategic Gold: Maximizing Spec Builder Capture Rate
bulletConstruction Practice General Topics
bulletProfessional Program Admissions Policy in a Competitive Environment
bulletUniversity-Coordinated Small Contractors Mentoring Program
bulletRapid Prototyping and its Current and Future Uses in the Construction Industry
bulletResearch in Progress Abstracts
bulletGraduate Education
bulletCompressed Earth Block Building Systems – An Experience In Undergraduate Research
bulletDiversity in the Upper Management of Leading Texas Contractors
bulletImpact of Local Government GIS Policies to the Construction Industry
bulletAn Alternative Senior Capstone Class: Experiential Learning & European Construction
bulletConstruction Student Perceptions towards the Use of Presentation Software
bulletConstruction Management Internship and Co-op Programs: Stakeholder Needs Assessment
bulletAwards - A Means to Enhance the Construction Industry’s Image
bulletSafety Characteristics at Mine Construction Sites
bulletA Working Model for Funding Construction Management Programs
bulletPast Performance Information in the Construction Industry
bulletModernizing Bridge Safety Inspection with Process Improvement & Mobile Computing
bulletIncreasing the Effectiveness of Active Learning Exercises in the Construction Management Classroom
bulletConstruction Applications Using Voice Recognition
bulletReverse Auctions in Construction
bulletCorrelates of Time Overrun in Commercial Construction
bulletPollution Exclusion Clauses and Their Applicability to Construction Site Environmental Risks
bulletAppropriateness of Real Estate Development Principles in Construction Education
bulletAdapting a Design-Construction Integration Methodology to Improve Construction Education
bulletEnhancing High School Programs For Responsiveness To Students With Construction Career Interests
bulletConstruction Practice Research Topics
bulletAustin Green Building Program Analysis: The Effects of Water-Related Green Building Features on Residential Water Consumption
bulletTeaching Construction Estimating
bulletFatalities among Hispanic Construction Workers
bulletThe Evolution of a Faculty-Led Study Abroad Class for Construction Management Students
bulletAn Entity-Relationship Model Database Schema for Implementing Knowledge Management in Construction
bulletGeneral Education Topics
bulletEducation Research
bulletSix Sigma Applications in Construction
bulletSustainable Development Trends in Construction
bulletA Contractor’s Profit Analysis

