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of Construction Science and Management
South Carolina
Estimates from the General Accounting Office and other sources have shown that the Davis-Bacon Act has a negative impact on the United States economy. With this in mind, this researcher chose to investigate one state to determine if it AEs prevailing wage regulations have a negative impact on the state economy. State prevailing wage acts are labeled Kittle Davis-Bacon Acts6 because of similarities to the Federal prevailing wage requirements of the Davis-Bacon Act. The Kittle Davis-Bacon Act6 investigated in this report is the New Jersey State Prevailing Wage Act To gather primary data regarding the New Jersey State Prevailing Wage Act this researcher used the survey method, telephone calls and transmittals. A literature search provided secondary data on prevailing wage issues. The results of this research show that the New Jersey government could reduce annual spending by $276,000,000 through outright repeal of the New Jersey State Prevailing Wage Act. Keywords: Davis-Bacon Act, Labor, Craft workers, Trades, Prevailing Wages, Wages. |
has been growing debate over the past few years on the merit of the Davis-Bacon
Prevailing Wage Act. Enacted in 1931 during the Great Depression, the Davis-Bacon
Act protected construction workers on federally funded construction projects
from being paid less than wages that prevailed in a given community. Before
1985, the Secretary of the Labor Department defined the prevailing wage as the
wage paid to at least 30 percent of the majority of the workers in a particular
trade. If no majority existed, a weighted average was used for the wage paid to
workers in a particular trade. In 1985, the method of calculating the prevailing
wage changed to 50 percent of the majority.
1979, the General Accounting Office published a report entitled "The Davis-Bacon
Act should be repealed." This study found that significant changes in the
Nation's economical conditions and the economic character of the construction
industry since 1931, plus the passage of other wage laws, make the Davis-Bacon
Act unnecessary. The study went on to recommend that Congress should ren in
outlays over a five-year period. Other recommendations offered by ABC included
wage survey improvements, federal preemption of higher state prevailing wage
rates, and restriction of the Davis-Bacon Act to federally funded construction
projects only. The coalition includes groups such as the American Subcontractors
Association, National Association of Home Builders, the Associated General
Contractors of America, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
all this controversy surrounding the Davis-Bacon Act it apparently has an
economic impact on the United States. Estimates from the government, academia
and associations place the added cost of federal construction projects in the
billions of dollars due to the requirements of the Davis-Bacon Act.
interest in the economic impact of the Davis-Bacon Prevailing Wage Act, this
research document seeks to investigate the economic impact, if any, on an
existing state prevailing wage act. At the time this research was conducted,
thirty-two states plus the District of Columbia has prevailing wage acts (Figure
1). These so called "Little Davis-Bacon Acts" set prevailing wage
rates on any construction project funded by state and/or local governments. This
researcher chose to investigate the potential economic impact of the New Jersey
State Prevailing Wage Act. The rationale for choosing New Jersey is that it is
one of only four states that determines prevailing wage rates by the collective
bargaining agreements of the individual trades. This is a rare prevailing wage
determination. Most states with prevailing wage acts calculate wages by the
modal rate (most frequent); the median rate (middle rate); the average rate; the
weighted average or the majority rate (50, 40 or 30 percent of the majority)
similar to the Davis-Bacon determination.
to research conducted by the Wharton School, there are two basic arguments
against the development of prevailing wage laws. First, is the inconsistent
application because many employees, such as clerical and supervisory, are not
offered the benefits of wage protection. Second, the perceived need for wage
protection is based on unreasonable fears that competition produces low wage
rates. This assumes that employers are able to unilaterally control wage rates
with no regard to market factors.
wage laws have strict regulations on wage payment and employment classification
which contractors must follow on government funded contracts. Violation of any
of these regulations subjects the contractor to the risk of civil or criminal
prosecution. These requirements make government contracting riskier than most
other types of contracting.
wage payment requirements on prevailing wage projects are predominantly higher
than non-prevailing wage projects, the overall impact is to increase the cost of
construction to governments and governmental agencies. According to Mark Erlich,
a union carpenter and author, "Repeal of prevailing wage laws would be a
tax-saving measure that would introduce free-market principles into an
unnecessarily regulated industry." A Massachusetts Associated Builders and
Contractors advocate once painted a picture of needed senior citizen centers and
children's libraries not being built without repeal of the prevailing wage law
in Massachusetts.
to an interview by the Wharton Industrial Research Unit in 1982, New Jersey has
one of the most pervasively pro-union prevailing wage statutes. This is at least
partially attributable to the fact that the individual who has been the
Assistant Commissioner of Labor in charge of administering the New Jersey State
Prevailing Wage Act for more than twenty years, is staunchly pro-union: "No
bones about it, I am a union man." When interviewed in June of 1982, the
Assistant Commissioner expressed the opinion that prevailing wage statutes are
specifically for protecting union employees, and if they do not adopt the union
scale, they are of no value. By adopting these union scales, workers on state
funded construction projects are paid higher wages than projects not requiring
the union scales because non-union pay scales are typically lower.
pro-labor orientation of the law's administrators is shared by members of the
judiciary, including the federal court judiciary in New Jersey. In a 1981
district court opinion, the federal judge concurred that "the purpose of
the Act is to prevent unfair competition by non-union employers with unionized
employers providing similar goods or services, by payment of wages below those
paid to union employees."
primary objective of this research document is to determine the economic impact,
if any, of the New Jersey State Prevailing Wage Act. A secondary objective is to
investigate the intent of the law. The following sections will sum up this
researcher's efforts to meet the two objectives by first studying the prevailing
wage law in greater detail. The next sections will review the research
methodology and present findings based on primary data collected. Finally, the
last section will sum up the research study with conclusions and
is common practice for Federal and State governments to competitively bid
construction projects and base contract award on the lowest bid price. This type
of procurement system encourages contractors to competitively underbid each
other to work. Because labor costs are a large percentage of construction costs,
the idea of contractors cutting wage rates to obtain the lowest bid price is the
reasoning behind the development of prevailing wage laws.
original intention of prevailing wage laws was to determine the wage rates that
"prevailed" for each trade in a particular community and set the
required minimum rate to be paid all workers in that community equal to the
prevailing rate. In this manor, it was believed that government contracts would
be free from unfair wage competition among contractors bidding on government
common misunderstanding among people outside the contracting business is that
prevailing wage laws are the same thing as the Federal Minimum Wage Law. This is
far from the truth. Take a Building Laborer as an example. This person works on
a construction project for 2000 hours per year (forty hours per week, 50 weeks
per year). If this worker was earning the minimum wage of $4.25 per hour his or
her annual salary would be $8,500. In contrast, if this worker was paid the
prevailing wage of$ 15.35 per hour, his or her annual salary would be $30,700
(Figure 2).
states have never enacted prevailing wage laws. These states include: Georgia,
Iowa, Mississippi, North Carolina, North Dakota, South Carolina, South Dakota,
Vermont, and Virginia. In the past twelve years, nine states have repealed their
prevailing wage acts (Figure 3).
New Jersey State Prevailing Wage Act requires contractors to pay construction
workers a predetermined hourly wage plus benefits for all contracts funded by
the state and/ or local governments. These wages are determined by collective
bargaining agreements of the individual trades and enforced by the New Jersey
Department of Labor. Because Prevailing Wages are determined by collective
bargaining agreements, they become equivalent to the union pay scale. The New
Jersey law was enacted in 1913 to cover building and highway work on state or
local contracts in excess of $2,000. The stated intent of the law is:
to establish a prevailing wage level for workmen engaged in public works in
order to safeguard their efficiency and general well being and to protect them
as well as their employers from the effects of serious and unfair competition
resulting from wage levels detrimental to efficiency and well-being.
study of the New Jersey State Prevailing Wage Act started by conducting a
literature search on prevailing wage legislation. This exploratory search found
few references that apply to the New Jersey State Prevailing Wage Act or other
state prevailing wage acts. Most of the references pertaining to prevailing
wages were about the Davis-Bacon Act. A very useful source was a publication by
Armand J. Thieblot Jr. Thieblot's book, entitled Prevailing Wage Legislation:
The Davis-Bacon Act, State "Little Davis-Bacon" Acts, The
Walsh‑Healey Act, and The Service Contract Act, was published in 1986 by
the Industrial Research Unit of the Wharton School at the University of
Pennsylvania. Perhaps the most convincing part of this book was the results of a
survey conducted during the late spring and summer of 1974.
the objective of estimating the cost of the Davis-Bacon Act, a detailed
questionnaire was mailed to every other member of the Associated General
Contractors, the Associated Builders and Contractors, the American Road Builders
Association, the National Electrical Contractors Association, the Associated
Independent Electrical Contractors, and the Mechanical Contractors Association.
Approximately 10,000 questionnaires were mailed with just over 1,400 usable
responses. Considering results of Thieblot's survey it was concluded that, in
1974, Federally funded construction projects cost approximately $2.1 billion
more to construct because of the Davis-Bacon requirements.
estimate the possible economic impact of the New Jersey State Prevailing Wage
Act, this researcher developed a survey to determine any cost differential
between prevailing and non-prevailing wage projects in the state of New Jersey
during the year 1990. A complete copy of the survey, along with the cover
letter, can be obtained from this researcher. The survey sample, totaling three
hundred fifty-four, was mailed to every New Jersey contractor with membership to
either the Associated General Contractors (AGC) or the Associated Builders and
Contractors (ABC). This sample was chosen to simulate a representative sample of
contractors and subcontractors in the state of New Jersey.
addition to the possible wage differential cost, is the administration cost of
the Act. Robert Venezia, the Chief of the Public Contracts Section of the Office
of Wage and Hourly Compliance, was telephoned to investigate the administration
cost of the New Jersey State Prevailing Wage Act. Another area of interest to
this researcher was the municipalities of New Jersey. A 1991 Municipal Directory
was obtained to learn more on the structure of the New Jersey State League of
Municipalities. A second survey was developed and sent at random to
municipalities with population of 25,000 people or less. The rationale behind
choosing 25,000 people or less is that the majority of municipalities, 86
percent, have a population of less than 25,000 people. Only 14 percent of New
Jersey municipalities have a population of 25,000 or more people. The
of this survey was to investigate the opinion of a sample of municipalities
regarding the New Jersey State Prevailing Wage Act. The sample consisted of
fifty municipalities randomly selected from the New Jersey State League of
Municipalities 1991 Municipal Directory. Also, based on construction volume
reported by these municipalities, an estimate could be made on any possible cost
savings if municipalities with population under 25,000 people were exempt from
the prevailing wage requirements.
all state Fiscal Offices with repealed prevailing wage acts were contacted to
determine why their laws were repealed (Figure 3). Louisiana was the only state
that responded with helpful information. William G. Black, the Senior Economist
of the Legislative Fiscal Office for the State of Louisiana, provided a copy of
the Fiscal Note Summary regarding the repeal of the Louisiana Prevailing Wage
Act. A copy of this fiscal note can be obtained from this researcher.
survey of all New Jersey members of the Associated General Contractors and
Associated Builders and Contractors was conducted in December 1990 and January
1991. The response rate was 17.51
percent with 354 surveys mailed and 62 usable surveys returned. Of the one
hundred and six surveys sent to Associated General Contractor members, nine
responded (eight percent) with completed surveys. On the other hand, of the two
hundred forty-eight surveys sent to Associated Builders and Contractors members,
fifty-three responded (twenty-one percent) with completed surveys. Therefore,
the sample is comprised of fifteen percent Associated General Contractors
members and eighty-five percent Associated Builders and Contractors members.
Since the response rate was low for contractors belonging to the AGC, a follow-up
survey was developed. A new cover letter, along with a copy of the original
survey, was mailed to every other non-responding AOC contractor. None of these
contractors responded to the follow-up survey.
first question on the survey asked for the difference in pay for workers on
prevailing and non-prevailing wage projects. Thirteen common trades were listed
in the question. As seen in Figure 4, prevailing wages were an average of forty-seven
and one half percentage higher than non-prevailing wages. The "non-prevailing
wage" figures presented in column two of Figure 4 were average wages paid
to workers on non-prevailing wage projects based on the survey responses. These
were direct hourly wages without benefits. The "prevailing wage"
figures presented in column 3 of Figure 4 were minimum wages paid to workers on
state jobs as dictated by the New Jersey Department of Labor. These prevailing
wages are wages paid without benefits. It should be noted here that the
Department of Labor also has requirements on what benefit wages are to be paid
to workers along with the regular pay rate. For the purpose of this study, when
determining the wage differential, only the difference between wages paid
without benefits was considered. This was because it was difficult to obtain
accurate information on benefits paid to workers on non-prevailing wage
projects. If a comparison was made, perhaps the wage differential cost would be
even greater.
Figures in column two may be slightly inflated because some contractors
included both wages and benefits for trades on the individual surveys.
Figures in column three are averages of all the New Jersey county
prevailing wage rates during the same period of the survey.
As a result of comparing surveyed non-prevailing wages (some worth benefits
included) and actual prevailing wages (from the N.J. Department of Labor), the
47.50 percent increase may be a conservative estimate.
second question of the survey asked for a breakdown of labor, material,
equipment and other costs on a typical construction project. As seen in Figure
5, labor costs are an average eight percent higher on prevailing wage projects
compared to non-prevailing wage projects.
number six of the survey asked to include any comments regarding the New Jersey
State Prevailing Wage Act and its regulations. Forty-eight comments were
received on the sixty-two returned surveys. Contractors overwhelmingly responded
with an unfavorable attitude toward the prevailing wage act. Some highlights of
the responses include:
not truly a prevailing wage but rather a union scale. |
is difficult for an open shop contractor to pay two different wage scales to
their men and therefore tend to shy away from prevailing wage jobs. |
law stifles competition and drives costs up on publicly funded projects
resulting in higher cost of government which translates to higher taxes for
all. |
cost of public work 15% to 20% for no good reason. |
Wage should mean average wage, not the union wage in the area. |
of work is the same, or slightly inferior. |
paper‑work and record keeping is overwhelming. |
surveyed were also asked to indicate their agreement or disagreement with seven
statements regarding prevailing wage laws. The first four statements were
arguments for such laws. When asked if the law attracted workers with more
training or experience those surveyed disagreed. Contractors also disagreed with
the statement that the law provides incentive for workers to improve their
productivity and skill level. Also, contractors disagreed with the statement
that the law provides incentive for managers to pay more attention to selecting,
training, and managing their workers. Respondents strongly disagreed with the
statement that the law reduces the need for first-line supervision.
remaining three statements are arguments why prevailing wage laws cost state
governments more money. Contractors strongly agreed that the law increases
paperwork requirements. There was agreement that the law reduces crew
productivity. Lastly, respondents strongly agreed that the law has an economic
impact on the State of New Jersey.
response rate for the survey to New Jersey municipalities was 44 percent with
twenty-two of the fifty municipalities responding. Sixty-eight percent of the
responding municipalities believe that the New Jersey Prevailing Wage Act has an
economic impact on the state of New Jersey. Twenty‑three percent believe
that it does not have an economic impact and nine percent were indifferent.
Sixty-four percent of the municipalities surveyed believe that the elimination
of the New Jersey Prevailing Wage Act would be a cost savings to their
municipality. The survey of municipalities also found the average annual
expenditure for construction in New Jersey municipalities was $175,750.
primary objective of this research document was to determine the economic
impact, if any, caused by the New Jersey State Prevailing Wage Act. To
accomplish this, the percentage increase in job costs due to the Act was
calculated. This was done by multiplying the average wage increase by the
percentage labor to total job costs.
for example, the cost of an average state prevailing wage contract to be
$1,000,000. If the prevailing wage requirements were eliminated the cost savings
would be approximately $140,893 as follows:
using above formula, the value of state funded projects without prevailing wage
requirements can be determined for 1990:
that the value of state funded projects without prevailing wage requirements
have been calculated and the administration cost is known, the economic impact
of the New Jersey State Prevailing Wage Act for 1990 was $276,096,120 as
secondary objective of this research document was to investigate the intent of
the New Jersey State Prevailing Wage Act. Data from contractors surveyed
indicates that the Act fails to meet its stated intentions. As for
"protecting their (the workers) efficiency", those surveyed claimed
that prevailing wage jobs are less productive and therefore less efficient. What
the law really does is not protect against "unfair competition" but
actually creates unfair market practices. It is apparent from those surveyed
that union contractors support the prevailing wage law because it helps to
create a monopoly and shut out open shop contractors from competing on state
funded construction projects.
of the above conclusions, it is now apparent that the New Jersey State
Prevailing Wage Act does have an economic impact on the state and the state
government could reduce spending or support more construction and/or programs if
it was repealed. Since 1979, there have been at least fifty-one bills introduced
to repeal or substantially curtail existing prevailing wage laws. The reasons
for these repeal effort was the estimated cost savings to state governments upon
repeal. Louisiana, for example, repealed their prevailing wage law in 1988
because of an estimated annual cost saving of $22,500,000.
short of repeal, a true "prevailing" wage rate for all trades should
be determined. These wage rates could be determined by surveying a
representative sample of all contractors and subcontractors in the state of New
Jersey. The averages from these surveys would fall approximately halfway between
union and open shop wages (assuming that 50 percent of state funded construction
value in New Jersey is open shop and the other 50 percent is union shop)
producing a savings of approximately half that of repeal. This would equate to
approximately $138,048,060 ($276,096,120 Economic Impact/2).
reform recommendations would be to exempt municipalities smaller than 25,000
people from the prevailing wage requirements. This would produce a cost saving
of approximately $11,811,487 as follows:
conclusion, a cost saving in the range of $12,000,000 to $276,000,000 could be
realized through reform or repeal of the New Jersey State Prevailing Wage Act.
Recommendations for further research include investigation of some comments received in the surveys regarding the New Jersey State Prevailing Wage Act. Areas of investigation may include a comparison of quality of workmanship between prevailing wage and non-prevailing wage projects, a comparison of productivity levels between prevailing wage and non-prevailing wage projects and extra management time spent processing the added paperwork requirements on prevailing wage projects.
Davis-Bacon Act Should be Repealed." HRD-79-1 8; B-146842. April 27, 1979,
Municipal Directory, New Jersey State League of Municipalities, Trenton, N.J.
Contractor associations urge reform of Davis-Bacon Act," The Air
Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration News, January 9, 1989, p. 1.
Mark. "Labor Rises Up To Show The Way." The Nation, December 26, 1988,
p. 716.
Note H.B. 2 HLS 88-8, Legislative Fiscal Office, State of Louisiana, April 22,
State Brickface Co. vs. New Jersey, N.J. District Court, No. 80-635, March 11,
Wage Acts, New Jersey Stat. Ann. 34:11-56.2534:11-56.44.
from survey to random sample of the New Jersey League of Municipalities.
Venezia, Chief of the Public Contracts Section of the Office of Wage and Hourly
Compliance, Trenton, N.J. (personal communication, September 25, 1990)
Armand Jr. "The Davis-Bacon Act, State "Little Davis-Bacon Acts, The
Walsh-Healey Act, and The Service Contract Act." Industrial Research Unit,
The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, 1986, p. 14.
of New Jersey Public Construction Projects for 1990, F.W. Dodge, March 1991.
Industrial Research Unit Interview, New Jersey Department of Labor, Trenton,
June 18, 1982.
G. Black, Senior Economist of the Legislative Fiscal Office for the State of
Louisiana, (personal communication, February 6, 1991)
Wollack, Leslie A, "Conferees will decide fate of Davis-Bacon amendment," Nation's Cities Weekly, June 20,1988, p. 8.