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Raymond J. Perreault, Jr.

School of Technology

Central Connecticut State University

New Britian, Connecticut


A research study was conducted with Connecticut mechanical contractors to identify the most important competencies of a project manager in their industry. A modified Delphi technique was used. A panel of experts was selected from a survey of the Mechanical Contractors Association of Connecticut. The competencies were divided into design, management and technology categories. The author extracted the design and management competencies from those developed by the Construction Management Association of America and the technology competencies were extracted from several textbooks. A three-round Delphi was conducted which resulted in the identification of the competencies of a project manager in the mechanical contracting industry in descending order of importance. The results of this study can be used as a guide for curriculum development in baccalaureate construction programs as well as a guide for the development of training seminars for practitioners in the mechanical contracting business.





Construction education, like the construction industry, is very diverse. This is reflected in the varying orientations of the construction education programs across the country. The major orientations consist of design, management and technology. Some construction programs emphasize the design and technology elements which is characteristic of ABET accredited engineering technology programs whereas other programs incorporate design, technology and management elements which is characteristic of ACCE accredited programs and NAIT accredited programs emphasize the management and technology elements. Each accrediting agency has established standards which delineate the programmatic requirements in design, technology and management.


All three accrediting agencies generally require or recommend the inclusion of mechanical courses in their respective accreditation standards which I agree is essential, however, the problem is that the content of mechanical courses is not systematically developed consistent with the programmatic goals established by the accrediting agency. In other words, the proportioning of the course content in terms of design, management and technology knowledge is arbitrary. In fact, the background of the instructor and the selected text dictate course content. This situation is further aggravated by the fact that mechanical courses are often taught by adjunct faculty or by faculty from supporting disciplines such as mechanical engineering technology.


The purpose of this study was:


  1. to identify and prioritize the competencies of the project manager in the mechanical contracting industry.

  2. to identify the course content consistent with the programmatic requirements established by accrediting agencies.




The Delphi research method was selected as the research means. A Delphi consists of a panel of experts achieving a consensus on a specific problem. The problem in this case was to identify and prioritize the competencies of the project manager in the mechanical contracting industry. The selection of the panel of experts consisted of the following steps:


  1. owners of mechanical contracting businesses (N=39) in Connecticut each provided the names of five individuals they considered to be experts in the mechanical contracting business. A composite list of thirty-two nominees was generated as a result of the first step.

  2. the composite list was returned to the owners to indicate their top ten choices from the list.

  3. ten nominees received 50% or more of the votes, thus they constituted the membership of the panel of experts.

  4. two of the ten nominees were unable to participate thus reducing the panel of experts to eight.


The Delphi research process was modified in that the panelists were not involved in the development of the draft list of competencies. The list was generated by the author. The composite list consisted of three categories; design, management and technology. The design and management competencies were selected from the composite list generated by nine task forces of the Construction Management Association of America. The technology competencies were selected from textbooks authored by: Stein and Reynolds (1992), Merritt (1979) and Lewis (1986). The author generated a composite list of 175 items, which substituted for the first round in a typical Delphi study, and was sent to the panel of experts for their review. They made corrections, editorial changes, as well as additions to the composite list and returned it to the author which resulted in the identification of 206 items and concluded the first round of the Delphi. In round two, the panel of experts were asked to rate the items on a 1 to 5 scale as indicated in table 1.




Rating Criteria for Panelists

            1 = least importance

            2 = low importance

            3 = medium importance

            4 = high importance

            5 = most importance


An item mean analysis was calculated as a result of panelists responses to round two. In the final round, the panelists were asked to reconsider those items they rated which deviated two or more points from the item mean. An item mean analysis was calculated again. Appendix A lists the competencies in descending order of importance.




The frequency, percentage and grand mean for the design, management and technology categories are indicated in table 2.




Summarized Relative Frequency, Percentage and Grand Mean of The Categories.




























In general terms, as indicated in table 2, management competencies were considered the most important followed by design and technology competencies. Management accounted for the majority of the number of competencies (60%) followed by technology (32%) and design (8%). Given the grand mean in table 2, one could argue that a project manager in the mechanical contracting business should focus primarily on the management competencies. Although, design was considered more important than technology, the sheer number of technology competencies outnumber design by a 4 to I margin, therefore, one could argue that technology competencies should be the secondary focus of the project manager. The fact that the panelists were instructed by the author to limit the competencies to those associated with a typical stipulated sum type of contract may account for the limited number of design competencies. Clearly, a project manager involved in a design/build or construction management type of contract would require a greater number of design related competencies than in a stipulated sum type of contract.


The data presented in table 3 reinforces the fact that management competencies should be the primary focus given that 52 of the 63 items with a mean of 4.0 or greater were associated with management. Design (6) and technology (5) were fairly equal in terms of the number items at this level of importance, however, this trend changes significantly when you examine the next level. Within the item mean range of 3.0 to 3.9, management items number 64 followed by 47 items in technology and design with 7 items. At this level, management competencies continue to dominate, however, technology competencies overtake design by a large margin. Further analysis, as shown in table 3, provides additional support for the fact that the primary focus should be management followed by technology and lastly design.




The data presented in table 4 addresses the levels of learning in the cognitive domain. The aware items deal with the lowest level such as knowledge and memorization. The understand items are one level above awareness and are associated with comprehension of subject matter. The capable items are one level above understand and are associated with the application of the knowledge/subject matter. Of the 206 items, 63 (30.5%) were associated with capability and 115 items (56%) were associated with understanding the subject matter and 28 items (13.5%) were associated with awareness.






This study was based on a stipulated sum type of contract which is typical in the mechanical contracting business. Consequently, the design competencies only represented 8% of all the items and thus warrant little discussion. On the other hand, management items deserve significant attention given that they constituted 60% of the items (N=124).


Of the 124 management competencies, 42% of the items (N=52) were rated 4.0 or greater and 52% (N=64) were rated between 3.0 and 3.9. With regard to the 66 technology items, only 8% (N=5) were rated 4.0 or greater and 71% (N-47) were rated between 3.0 and 3.9. These numbers clearly indicate that the management competencies are the most significant.


Interesting patterns surface when the orientations (design, management, technology) and the cognitive levels (capable, understand, aware) are combined. Management capabilities represent nearly half of the highest rated management competencies whereas technology capabilities consist of only three items, specifically the capability of interpreting HVAC, plumbing and fire safety drawings.


Management understandings represent nearly half of the highest rated management items and two-thirds of the management items rated between 3.0 and 3.9. Technology understandings above 4.0 or greater are limited to two items, namely the benefits of prefabrication and HVAC systems. Nearly 70% of the technology understandings are rated between 3.0 to 3.9.


Management awareness accounts for over 70% of the 28 aware items and most of these items were rated below 3.5 and therefore, don't warrant much consideration. To summarize, the competencies which deserve the greatest attention are the management capabilities, management understandings and technology understandings.


The competencies with a 3.5 rating or greater have been grouped into the following topical areas; communications, claims, cost control, schedule control, general management, document control, contracts, design and technology. Specific competencies associated with the communication topic area include; verbal communication, written communication, negotiation, communication with job site personnel, communication of responsibility/authority to team members, and communication with labor leaders.


Specific competencies associated with the claims topic area include; issue resolution process, dispute avoidance procedures and anticipation claims.


Specific competencies associated with the cost control topic area include; direct and indirect costs of changes, develop schedule of values for payment, purchasing techniques, develop construction budget, project progress in terms of money, cash flow schedule, cost monitoring, conversion of quantity survey to cost estimating, specifying cost updating requirements and conceptual estimating.


Specific competencies associated with the schedule control topic area include; manpower loading, construction Sequencing, cash flow needs, project progress in terms of time, preplanning, impact of changes on time, anticipation of time extensions, cost loaded schedule, evaluate and mitigate schedule claims, bar charts, CPM schedules, project milestones, level of schedule detail, activity duration and cost, schedule development and schedule reports.


Specific competencies associated with the general management topic area include; productivity analysis, total quality management, recognize potential risks, manager's responsibility to all parties, span of authority, hazardous materials management, project commissioning procedures, safety coordination, OSHA rules, manpower reports, team building concepts, risk management, marketing services, jobsite safety program and team organizational chart.


Specific competencies associated with the document control topic area include; documentation requirements, con tract requirements, requirements of various documents, interpretation of HVAC, plumbing and fire safety drawings, specification requirements, project procedures manual, daily reports, change order controls, substantial completion, guarantees and warranties, punch list requirements, preparation of meeting minutes, and flow process of submittals.


Specific competencies associated with the contracts topic area include; basic contracting strategies, resolving conflicts in contractual responsibilities, contract conditions, responsibilities of the parties, alternate contracting strategies, operational training requirements of contract and basic forms of agreement.


Specific competencies associated with the design topic area include; operating costs of alternate systems and components, recommend systems and components, cost impact of design changes, design features that lead to claims, sources of design errors, owner's need for value engineering and reading material testing reports.


Specific competencies associated with the technology topic area include; benefits of prefabrication, deficiencies in construction quality, optimize site utilization, materials, equipment and controls of HVAC, plumbing and fire safety systems, elements of warm sir heating, hot water heating, steam boiler heating, hydronic heating, refrigerated cooling, central station air conditioning, heat pump, dual duct high velocity, chilled water, ventilation, variable air volume, sanitary waste, air duct controls and laboratory systems, basic building materials and systems, codes for life safety, plumbing and mechanical.


The results of this study can be used as a guide for curriculum development in baccalaureate construction programs as well as a guide for the development of training seminars for practitioners in the mechanical contracting business.




A similar type of study should be conducted relative to the electrical contracting industry.


A similar type of study assuming design/build or construction management type of contract should be conducted.




Construction Management Association of America (1993). Unpublished Composite List of Construction Management Competencies, Reston; Virginia.


Lewis, J., (1986). Support Systems for Buildings, Prentice Hall; Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.


Merritt, F., (1979). Building Engineering and Systems Design. Van Nosh-and Reinhold, Co., New York, New York.


Stein, B. and Reynolds, J., (1992). Mechanical and Electrical Equipment for Buildings. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, New York.







RANK    X             CATEGORY


1-5           5.0           D             Aware of design changes and detail and their impact on cost.

1-5           5.0           M            Understand the importance of manpower loading strategy.

1-5           5.0           M            Capable of writing effectively.

1-5           5.0           M            Capable of verbally communicating effectively.

1-5           5.0           M            Capable of negotiating effectively.

6-10         4.9           M            Capable of specifying, developing and implementing an effective

                                                schedule of values for prompt and equitable payment requests evaluation.

6-10         4.9           M            Capable of determining direct and indirect costs of changes.

6-10         4.9           M            Capable of maximizing labor relations.

6-10         4.9           M            Understand the project manager's primary responsibilities to their

                                                employer, client, subcontractors, vendors and consultants.

6-10         4.9           M            Understand the project manager's span of authority relative to their

                                                client, subcontractors, vendors and consultants.

11-24       4.8           D             Understand features of project design most likely to give rise to

                                                disputes or claims.

11-24       4.8           M            Capable of identifying and resolving conflicts, duplication or

                                                omission in contractual responsibilities.

11-24       4.8           M            Aware of construction sequence and operations.

11-24       4.8           M            Understand the responsibilities of the parties to the contract.

11-24       4.8           M            Capable of developing a project/construction budget utilizing

                                                available resources and techniques.

11-24       4.8           M            Understand the relationship between project progress in terms of time

                                                and money.

11-24       4.8           M            Capable of developing and implementing an effective change order

                                                control and evaluation system.

11-24       4.8           M            Understand the importance of preplanning.

11-24       4.8           M            Aware of documentation requirements for all aspects of the project.

11-24       4.8           M            Capable of reading and understanding the contract documents.

11-24       4.8           M            Capable of maintaining communications with jobsite personnel.

11-24       4.8           M            Understand the importance of motivation and leadership.

11-24       4.8           M            Capable of maximizing interpersonal relations.

11-24       4.8           T             Understand the benefits of prefabrication.

25-27       4.6           M            Understand impact of change orders on schedule, cost and job coordination.

25-27       4.6           M            Understand how to anticipate potential claims or time extensions

25-27       4.6           M            Understand features of project construction most likely to rise to disputes

                                                or claims.

28-29       4.5           M            Capable of quantifying the risk or benefit of alternate contracting strategies.

28-29       4.5           M            Capable of developing a cash flow schedule, compatible with project progress,

                                                utilizing available resources.

30-39       4.4           M            Capable of communicating responsibility/authority to team in a clear/concise

                                                way (i.e. Responsibility Matrix).

30-39       4.4           M            Capable of specifying, developing and implementing an integrated cost loaded

                                                schedule for prompt and equitable payment requests evaluation.

30-39       4.4           M            Understand how to analyze and measure productivity.

30-39       4.4           M            Understand the requirement for shop drawings, coordination drawings, change

                                                orders, field orders, request for information (RFI), etc.

30-39       4.4           M            Understand dispute avoidance procedures.

30-39       4.4           M            Understand contract provisions, general conditions and special conditions and

                                                their interact and precedence.

30-39       4.4           M            Capable of recognizing and communicating the deficiencies in construction


30-39       4.4           T             Capable of interpreting HVAC drawings.

30-39       4.4           T             Capable of interpreting plumbing drawings.

30-39       4.4           T             Capable of interpreting fire safety drawings.

40-45       4.3           M            Capable of identifying alternate or prescriptive sequences to optimize site


40-45       4.3           M            Understand basic contracting strategies. (Single Prime, Lump Sum, Cost Plus,

                                                Guaranteed Maximum, etc.).

40-45       4.3           M            Understand purchasing techniques and its control.

40-45       4.3           M            Understand issue resolution process.

40-45       4.3           M            Capable of using the schedule to evaluate and mitigate potential claims.

40-45       4.3           M            Understand the specification requirements of the contract, including

                                                inspections required during manufacture and at delivery.

46-57       4.             D             Aware of alternate systems, methods, components and materials of equal

                                                performance and respective cost.

46-57       4.             D             Understand sources of design errors and omissions and construction

                                                deficiencies which may result.

46-57       4.1           M            Understand contents of a company's Project Procedures Manual.

46-57       4.1           M            Aware of cash flow needs and cash availability vis-a-vis project progress


46-57       4.1           M            Understand various methods of cost monitoring.

46-57       4.1           M            Capable of specifying, developing and implementing an effective procedure for

                                                controlling, analyzing and evaluating cost of potential claims.

46-57       4.1           M            Aware of the various types of bar graphs and CPM schedules.

46-57       4.1           M            Capable of identifying project milestones.

46-57       4.1           M            Aware of documentation requirements for all aspects of the project.

46-57       4.1           M            Understand how contract drawings, specifications, general and special

                                                provisions, codes, submittals changes, and applicable regulations integrate

                                                into quality management.

46-57       4.1           M            Capable of identifying/recognizing potentials risks.

46-57       4.1           M            Understand the context and distribution of daily reports.

58-63       4.0           D             Aware of operating costs of alternate systems and components.

58-63       4.0           D             Capable of recommending acceptable systems and components without

                                                disrupting the design concept and schedule. ,

58-63       4.0           M            Capable of utilizing available resources to develop, coordinate and implement

                                                a cost management system.

58-63       4.0           M            Aware of the definition of substantial completion, beneficial occupancy, etc.

58-63       4.0           M            Understand the role of labor and safety participation.

58-63       4.0           T             Understand the materials, equipment and controls of HVAC systems.

64-82       3.9           M            Understand the purpose of a company's Project Procedures Manual.

64-82       3.9           M            Understand applications of quantity survey to cost estimating.

64-82       3.9           M            Capable of specifying appropriate cost monitoring and compliance systems

                                                including methods and frequency of updating methods of cost tracking

                                                and report.

64-82       3.9           M            Capable of interpreting partially developed plans, programs and systems in

                                                terms of ultimate cost.

64-82       3.9           M            Understand the cost/benefits of manually prepared and computer generated


64-82       3.9           M            Capable of determining appropriate level of detad for each type of schedule and

                                                project phase.

64-82       3.9           M            Capable of establishing activity durations and cost.

64-82       3.9           M            Understand common scheduling terms (float, frugnet, activity, loop,

                                                precedence, time scaled network, etc.)

64-82       3.9           M            Aware of hazardous materials and the rules, regulations and procedures needed

                                                to deal with them.

64-82       3.9           M            Understand the importance of the operational and maintenance requirements of

                                                the various building components.

64-82       3.9           M            Understand guarantee, warranty, punch1ist requirements.

64-82       3.9           M            Understand project commissioning procedures.

64-82       3.9           M            Capable of preparing minutes of meetings and reports of same.

64-82       3.9           M            Understand safety coordination between contractors.

64-82       3.9           M            Understand OSHA rules and regulations as they apply to construction.

64-82       3.9           M            Understand manpower reports.

64-82       3.9           T             Understand the concepts of energy conservation.

64-82       3.9           T             Understand the materials, equipment, fixtures and controls of plumbing


64-82       3.9           T             Understand the materials, equipment and controls of fire protection systems.

83-101     3.8           D             Aware of owner's needs for value engineering analysis.

83-101     3.8           M            Capable of defining the flow process for all submittals.

83-101     3.8           M            Understand the contract requirements for operational training.

83-101     3.8           M            Understand team building concepts (partnering).

83-101     3.8           M            Capable of maintaining communications with labor leaders.

83-101     3.8           M            Understand and be capable of using principles and techniques of risk

                                                management (assign/manage/avoid/insure).

83-101     3.8           M            Capable of marketing services effectively.

83-101     3.8           T             Understand the elements of a warm air heating system.

83-101     3.8           T             Understand the elements of a hot water heating system.

83-101     3.8           T             Understand the elements of a steam boiler system.

83-101     3.8           T             Understand the elements of a hydronic heating system.

83-101     3.8           T             Understand the elements of a refrigerated cooling system.

83-101     3.8           T             Understand the elements of a central-station air conditioning system.

83-101     3.8           T             Understand the elements of a heat pump system.

83-101     3.8           T             Understand the elements of an incremental heating and cooling system.

83-101     3.8           T             Understand the elements of a dual-duct, high-velocity system.

83-101     3.8           T             Understand the elements of a chilled water system.

83-101     3.8           T             Understand the elements of a ventilation system.

83-101     3.8           T             Understand the elements of a variable air volume system.

102-105   3.6           D             Capable of reading material testing reports and assess their impact on the


102-105   3.6           M            Understand basic content required of contract conditions.

102-105   3.6           M            Understand basic building materials, systems and construction techniques.

102-105   3.6           M            Understand the basic forms of agreement.

106-117   3.5           M            Understand how each schedule type is prepared and utilized, including the steps

                                                in developing a schedule.

106-117   3.5           M            Understand the basic scheduling reports, how activities are selected and sorted

                                                in reports, and how reports are utilized.

106-117   3.5           M            Understand schedule impact of common terms, such as suspension work,

                                                concurrent delays, compensable and non-compensable delays.

106-117   3.5           M            Understand the specification requirements of the contract, including

                                                inspections required during manufacture and at delivery.

106-117   3.5           M            Understand how to implement and monitor a jobsite safety program.

106-117   3.5           M            Capable of formulating and maintaining a project team organizational chart.

106-117   3.5           T             Understand the elements of a sanitary waste system.

106-117   3.5           T             Understand the concepts of air duct control, smoke and heat ventilation.

106-117   3.5           T             Understand the elements of Laboratory systems.

106-117   3.5           T             Understand the life safety code.

106-117   3.5           T             Understand the plumbing code.

106-117   3.5           T             Understand the mechanical code.

118-141   3.4           D             Capable of interpreting items of energy conservation studies and assess their

                                                impact on the cost of the project.

118-141   3.4           D             Understand the contract requirements relative to as-built drawings.

118-141   3.4           M            Understand types of project organization structures.

118-141   3.4           M            Understand legal requirements

118-141   3.4           M            Capable of selecting estimating techniques appropriate to a project and each of

                                                its phases.

118-141   3.4           M            Capable of developing a quantity survey based cost estimate with procurement

                                                strategies utilizing available resources.

118-141   3.4           M            Capable of performing a manual schedule calculation, including forward and

                                                backward pass, determining the critical path for a simple network, and the

                                                early/late dates and float values for each activity in the network.

118-141   3.4           M            Understand float and its use and legal implications.

118-141   3.4           M            Capable of time impact analysis using as-planned, as-adjusted and as-built


118-141   3.4           M            Understand the project requirements for permanent retention of project files

                                                and submittals.

118-141   3.4           M            Understand bid and performance guarantees, such as bid and performance

                                                bonds, letter of credit, etc.

118-141   3.4           M            Understand laws, rules, and regulations pertaining to the construction industry.

118-141   3.4           M             Capable of establishing Correspondence Control System.

118-141   3.4           M             Aware of project management program capabilities.

118-141   3.4           M             Aware of estimating program capabilities.

118-141   3.4           M             Aware of contract administration program capabilities.

118-141   3.4           T             Understand the effects of air motion.

118-141   3.4           T             Understand the elements of an electric resistance heating system.

118-141   3.4           T             Aware of the need to conserve water and resources.

118-141   3.4           T             Understand the elements of a fire protection system.

118-141   3.4           T             Understand the concepts of fire load and compartmentation.

118-141   3.4           T             Understand the elements of clean room systems.

118-141   3.4           T             Understand how to assess facilities for material handling.

118-141   3.4           T             Understand the sprinkler (fire protection) code.

142-153   3.3           M            Capable of identifying factors for conceptual estimating.

142-153   3.3           M            Understand the applications of a cost-loaded schedule.

142-153   3.3           M            Understand the application of resources to a project schedule.

142-153   3.3           M            Understand the roles of sureties and regulatory agencies in the closeout and

                                                acceptance process.

142-153   3.3           M            Capable of developing Document Control Management System.

142-153   3.3           M            Aware of spreadsheet program capabilities.

142-153   3.3           T             Understand the concepts of heat flow and transfer.

142-153   3.3           T             Aware of energy consumption rates of various HVAC systems.

142-153   3.3           T             Understand the elements of a solar heating system.

142-153   3.3           T             Understand the elements of a water distribution system.

142-153   3.3           T             Understand the concepts of water pressure.

142-153   3.3           T             Understand the concepts of water and power standby.

154-70     3.1           D             Understand the design process and procedures.

154-70     3.1           D             Capable of determining the applicable codes and regulations pertinent to the

                                                materials being tested.

154-70     3.1           M            Aware of available computer programs for scheduling and their application on

                                                various types and sizes of projects.

154-70     3.1           M            Aware of the resistance of people to change.

154-70     3.1           M            Understand the difference between quality control and perfection.

154-70     3.1           M            Understand testing procedures and test report documentation.

154-70    3.1           M            Understand the risks and responsibilities of joint ventures.