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Jac de Jong
of Construction Science
A&M University
Station, Texas
Contractors in the construction industry are facing a multitude of decisions involving uncertainty and risk. This paper deals with a methodology for developing a more organized and consistent approach to decision making. Use is made of probability theory in order to assess uncertainty, while risk is incorporated by using the expected utility theory. Both theories are briefly discussed. Two specific problems are worked out to examplify the methodology. First, when a choice exists between different projects, what project to bid on, and secondly what profit margin to apply. And although two problems are dealt with, the methodology is applicable to many problems in the industry. Judge-mental factors are involved in the process, which makes the methodology far from perfect. However, the method provides a consistent and rational approach to decision making and is therefore seen as an improvement over what is being used today. Keywords: Construction, Risk, Uncertainty, Utility, Probability. |
majority of industries are governed by a few large capital intensive
organizations, controlling most of the industry's assets. Although the heavy
construction industry follows more or less the same pattern, the building
industry, on the contrary, consists of a conglomeration of diverse specialty
companies, brought together when a new project is initiated. The industry is
fragmented to the extent that a general contractor may require some 15 to 20 odd
subcontractors. The diversity of these organizations of subcontractors makes
the coordination for planning and scheduling by the general contractor
extremely complex when a project is newly acquired.
these complexities many uncertainties exist in terms of the reliability of the
multitude of the different bid prices obtained from many sub-contractors, the
securing of a skilled labor force, as all of them are very labor intensive, and
the allocation of labor and equipment resources with the acquisition, delivery
and installation of building materials.
market itself is mostly unpredictable, strongly competitive and fluctuates
with the economic conditions 1ocally, regionally and nationally, not to
mention the often extreme seasonal variations in the different regions.
projects are obtained on a competitive bid basis, usually one project at a time,
and independent of all other projects, either in progress or still waiting to be
tendered. Hirings and layoffs are therefore quite often the order of the day.
This requires that the industry must have a built-in flexibility in order to
cope with these fluctuations in the labor force to increase or decrease
personnel quickly and efficiently, while still maintaining a skilled skeleton
labor force to maintain stability.
and interest rates are unpredictable for projects of long duration. To obtain
insurance, bid and performance bonds, for incorporation into the bid price, can
sometimes be difficult and laborious, specifically under the present economic
unrest always looms on the horizon. The industry is therefore probably one of
the most volatile, competitive and, judging by the bankruptcy rate, least
profitable business in existence.
difficulties raise questions such as what projects to bid on to maintain a
balanced operation for the company, who are the competitors and how many are
there, how to establish the profit margins and what does it depend on in order
to be successful in obtaining a project. In answering these questions, decisions
need to be made on a responsible and rational basis in order to minimize risk
and maximize profits. In the majority of cases decisions are not made in a
consistent and organized manner, in particular the finalizing of the bid
proposal. Therefore, the concepts of both responsibility and rationality are
being lost in the process and for that reason are further explored.
is the meaning of "responsible" and "rational" in this
context? According to the "Larousse Illustrated International Encyclopedia
and Dictionary", 1972, pg. 753, it means "fit to be placed in
control". The "Webster's New 20th Century Dictionary", 2nd
Edition, pg. 1543, defines "responsible" as "the ability to
distinguish between right and wrong and to think and act rationally, and hence
accountable for one's behavior".
according to Webster's New World Dictionary of the American Language", 2nd
College Edition, pg. 1179, implies the ability to reason logically as by drawing
conclusions by inferences and often connotes the absence of emotionalism. This
definition uses the word "reason", given as something to think out
systematically by drawing of inferences or conclusions from known or assumed
facts. (Webster's, pg.1183).
these definitions acting "responsible" is behavioral related and
requires the distinction between right and wrong and may well mean different
things in different cultures. It definitely involves acting on one's own and
being held accountable.
is used in this paper as it is in the Sciences, a systematic progression or a
step by step reasoned and consistent development of coming to conclusions. And,
as in the Sciences, it inherently adheres to a body of conventions that
establishes rational and consistent thinking. What these conventions are and the
calculus of using them will be the subject matter of this paper.
Decision Analysis
analysis incorporates both uncertainty and risk in the decision making process.
To deal with "uncertainties" use is made of probability theory. It
will be assumed that a basic knowledge of set theory and probability theory have
been acquired. The axioms of probability, with the formules for calculating both
conditional probability and the Bayes' theorem, are given as they relate
directly to the material.
is incorporated through the use of Utility theory, which relates the company's
value system to the risk involved. This value system depends on the
"state" of the organization itself, on the value the owner as an
individual or the corporation as a group places on everything it owns and owes,
including its labor force. Expanding these resources depends on the risk the
company is willing to take, as the taking of risks is directly related to the
return on investment.
financial decisions, as for example those made in the bid proposal of a
construction company, uncertainty is assessed using probability theory. Three
different approaches for establishing the neccesary probabilities exist
presently, namely:
objective approach,
subjective approach,
classical approach.
The objective approach is based on the relative frequency of events in repeated experiments. Experiment here, may be interpreted in its broadest sense, as this approach has been taken by the contractor in recording the number and prices for each project.
subjective approach gives the probability value as a measure of belief that one
has in the knowledge that exists of the world at that specific point in time.
This may be called experience or intuition.
classical approach is based on the fact that events have an equally likely
chance of occurrence, as for example taking a card out of a well-shuffled deck
of cards. These approaches are made operative by using a calculus of probability
based on axioms which will be spelled out further on. (Goldberg, 1986)
decisions is the process of selecting one action from an array of alternative
courses of action with each alternative course of action having a specific
outcome. Each outcome is evaluated in terms of its consequences for either loss
or gain. The "expected outcome" is calculated by multiplying the
outcome, or payoff, with its probabilities for both winning and losing and then
summing the results. An individual can determine the maximum expected value of
the different outcomes that satisfies the proposed goal, in this case,
maximizing the return on investment. It is assumed that an individual will
choose the outcome, that maximizes the expected value, as each outcome is based
on the premise of anticipating the predicted future for each alternative.
scale used for measuring these consequences or uncertainties is given by a
number between zero and one, which indicates the value of the judgements of the
relative likelyhood for these predictions. These numbers must satisfy the axioms
of probability, given as follows:
concept can be expanded upon in a more generalized form. The sample space S is
divided into 3 mutually exclusive events. Such a division is called partitioning
of the sample space. An event B intersects with all of the 3 events, A,, Az, A;,
as shown in the Venn Diagram below, figure 1, then the event B may be calculated
as the union of 3 mutually exclusive events.
terms of probabilities and using the addition rule, the probability of B may be
stated as follows:
process may be described as the adjustment of the probabilities of Ai when the
probabilities of B are known. One way of establishing the probability of B is by
performing experiments. The "experiment" used here is the recording of
previous bid proposals submitted by the competitors. When the probability p(Ai)
does incorporate this experimental data, then it is called the "a
posterior" probability of Ai, otherwise it is the "a priori"
probability. Graphically this may be depicted as follows, figure 2:
may also be mentioned that independence of events A and B is obtained when p(A I
B) = p(A) and p(B I A) = p(B), which means that the probability of A is not
altered by the probability of B, when p(B) is known. This concept is important
as independence of events make the use of the "multiplication" rule
theory, on the other hand, attempts to describe man's behavior in which
decisions involving risk are made. It consists of a preference system, called
utility, that ranks the preference among different alternatives. Its scale is
totally arbitrary. These preferences adhere strictly to axioms in order to be
consistent and rational. These axioms are briefly stated as follows:
Comparability: alternative A1 preferred to A2 or A2 to A1 or otherwise both are
equally preferred.
#2: Transitivity: A 1 preferred to A2 and A2 to A3 then A 1 preferred to A3.
#3: Continuity: A I preferred to A2 and A2 to A3 then there exists a probability
p for which a sure amount for A2 is equivalent to the gamble p times A1 and (1-p)
times A3.
#4: Compound lottery: may be substituted for a simple lottery, which is obtained
by multiplying the compound lottery by its probabilities.
#5: Monotonicity: comparing two outcomes for two alternatives, in which the
outcome with the highest probability is preferred.
are given here without proof and the reader is referred to the literature for
further examination. (Lifson, 1982; Watson, 1987; Kleindorfer, 1993).
on these axioms the theory establishes a functional relationship, called a
"utility" function, between the value of an outcome and its rank on a
scale of preferences.
function is obtained by making "equivalence propositions" between a
lottery and a fixed sum of money in the following manner, figure 3, or the fixed
sum of money is given and the probabilities need to be determined.
varying the amounts of money for the lottery and the fixed sum, multiple points
of the function can be established and the curve plotted.
dollar value of each alternative is then scaled against the utility function and
its utility value, measured in utiles, determined. By calculating the
"expected" utility value for each outcome the contractor will prefer
the outcome with the highest expected utility. (Lifson, 1982; Watson, 1987;
Kleindorfer, 1993).
specific problems are considered, although this methodology is applicable to
many problems in the construction industry.
the problem of establishing what project to bid on out of a choice of three.
what profit margin to consider regardless of what project is chosen.
that three projects are simultaneously up for tender and that the following
hypothetical information is obtained in regard to the three projects.
project 1 the contractor has a 75'/. chance of winning S 150,000.00 and a 25%.
chance of losing 530,000.00.
project 2 there is a 80% chance of winning S I 10,000.00 and a 20%. chance of
losing $20,000.00.
project 3 a 90%. chance of winning $80,000.00 and a 10% chance of losing
dollar amounts for winning or losing are the estimated quantities established by
the contractor.
given chances or probabilities are "subjective" probabilities, in
other words a gut feeling the contractor has about the chances of winning or
be able to chose the best alternative, in this case one of the three projects,
use is made of the concept for optimization of the expected monetary value (EMV).
The EMV is calculated in the usual manner by adding the amounts one stands to
win and lose multiplied by respective probabilities.
calculations are performed in table 1:
strictly going by the concept of the EMV, the contractor should choose the
alternative, which maximizes the return on investment. Project I provides the
maximum expected profit of $105,000.00 and thusly should be the one to select.
It provides also the greatest risk opportunity in that there exist a 25% chance
of losing $30,000.00.
contractor is risk averse and wants to postpone the decision on which project to
bid. An utility function needs to be established to incorporate the contractor's
value system and attitude towards risk. In order to be able to construct the
curve for the utility function, two approaches are followed to obtain the
"equivalence propositions".
"certainty equivalence" and
"probability equivalence" approach.
the range of the amount of profit and loss is calculated and the extreme dollar
values determined. The maximim amount to be gained is $150,000.00, the maximum
amount to be lost is -$30,000.00. These amounts are plotted on the X-axis and a
scale determined.
utility value for the $150,000.00 is set to one utile, and for the -$30,000.00
to zero utiles. A scale is established between 0 and 1, using equal intervals,
on the Y-axis.
the "certainty equivalent" approach the following hypothetical
proposition is made. There exists a 50-50 chance of making $150,000.00 or losing
$30,000.00 against getting for sure an amount of x dollars. This amount needs to
be determined by the individual or organization involved, in this case the
contractor. Establishing this amount indicates that the individual is
indifferent between taking the sure financial award or the lottery with the 50-50
chance of winning or losing. (Kleindorfer, 1993) Graphically the proposition is
depicted in figure 4 as follows:
that the sure amount is $5,000.00. This corresponds to the.5 mark on the utility
scale, and establishes one point on the utility curve. This point signifies that
the contractor is indifferent between either getting the $5,000.00 for sure or
the 50-50 chance of winning the lottery of $150,000.00 or losing $30,000.00.
process is continued by now considering $5,000.00 with a utility value of .5 and
the $150,000.00 with an utility value of 1. If for example, the contractor is
willing to settle for $40,000.00 for sure or the 50-50 chance for the lottery of
making $150,000.00 or making $5,000.00, then the utility value of the $40,000.00
is halfway between.5 and 1 on the utility scale and is equal to .75.
same approach is followed for the proposition of the 50-50 chance for the
lottery of winning $5,000.00 with a utility value of.5 or losing $30,000.00,
with a utility value of 0. It is assumed that the contractor is indifferent if
the amount is -$15,000.00, which is equivalent to an utility value of .25. Five
points of the utility curve are now obtained and the function can be
order to generate a utility function use can be made of the PROC NLIN command in
the SAS language. This requires the establishment of 15 to 20 points before the
curve can be generated and the equation formulated. This seems hardly practical
as each point is obtained by making a judgement between a lottery and a fixed
amount of money. Besides, the preferences on the utility scale have arbitrary
values in the sense that one alternative is preferred over another qualitatively
but not quantitatively. How much more one alternative is preferred over the
other is not specified.
accurate "e - functions" found in the literature, (Lifson, 1982),
required the determination of at least 15 individual points before such an
equation could have been formulated.
method of generating a curve is by using the "cubic splines
interpolation" method in the Mathcad software. This method fits a curve to
a set of points so that the first and second derivatives at the given points of
the curve are continuous, creating a series of cubic equations between the
points. No actual single equation is established.
values are determined as the intersection with the ordinate for the profit
amounts on the X-axis and the utility curve. The utility function for the
contractor is drawn by hand as sketched in figure 5.
scaling the amounts of profits/loss to be made for each project on the utility
function, the utility values for each profit/loss margin is measured. These
values are (table 2):
expected utility value is determined for each of the three projects and the
maximum utility value observed, table 3.
3 provides the answer to the question of what project to bid on. The project to
be considered for tendering is the one with the maximum utility value of .954,
which is project 3. The above utility figures give a good indication of the
preference the contractor has for bidding projects involving risk.
"probability equivalent" approach follows the same pattern with this
difference that in the proposition the amount for sure is given, but the
probabilities for the lottery need to be determined.
approach is graphically depicted in figure 6:
probability p is so determined and the process follows through in the same way
as before with the "certainty equivalent" approach. This is another
way for determining the same utility curve.
second problem of what profit margin to incorporate in the bid price will now be
the example to be used, the cost estimate of the contractor for previous bids is
taken as the base-line for establishing the markups of the bids for the
the 20 bids recorded for each competitor, assuming that the three competitors
all bid on the same projects, the percentage over/ under the cost estimate is
given in table 4.
is also assumed that the 20 jobs listed are all more or less of the same size
and price range, so that the effect of job size does not influence the profit
margins. Each bidder is also equally desirous of obtaining work, although the
percentages of the mark-ups should reflect this trend.
low bidder for the three competitors for each project is denoted by having
brackets around the percentage number as indicated in table 4. For example,
competitor 1 is the low bidder for project 1, while for project 3 competitor 3
is the low bidder. Table 4 gives the low bidder for each project.
contractor's bid proposal, for each mark-up level ranging from 0 to 6 %, is
compared with the lowest bid of the competitor for that project, as given in
table 4. The opportunity for being successful in obtaining the project is so
the cost, or the 0% level of the mark‑up, the contractor's bid is compared
with the lowest bid of the three competitors for each project. It may be
observed that competitor 1 is still the low bidder with the bid proposal being 1
% below the cost estimate of the contractor. This is indicated in table 5 by WO
denoting a low bid or a win for competitor 1 at the 0% level of the cost
estimate for the contractor. This process is repeated for the 1 % level of the
cost estimate with the results shown in table 5. The W 1 in the C2 column for
project 7 indicates that if the contractor adds a mark-up of 1 % competitor 2 is
still the low bidder. Continuing in the same manner, for all levels of the mark-ups,
table 5 is completed.
6 summarizes the results of table S, giving at each mark-up level for the
contractor the number of projects underbid by each of the competitors. Thus at
the 2% level of mark-up competitor 1 underbid the contractor on 1 more project,
namely project 2, and the contractor has thus been underbid an accumulative
total of 4 projects, projects: 1 (WO), 2 (W2), 13 (W 1), and 20 (W 1). Table 6
has so been tabulated, and the cumulative probabilities included.
numbers in the cumulative row in table 6 are the probabilities that the
contractor will lose the bid against three competitors. The probabilities for
the contractor to win against three competitors is obtained by deducting the
cumulative probabilities from 1 and given in table 7.
probabilities in table 7 are obtained from the data given in table 4 by
calculating the actual relative frequencies, thus representing the best possible
estimate obtainable for these probabilities.
methodologies can be found in the literature. One of the methodologies makes use
of the multiplication rule and establishes for each individual competitor the
probability of winning a project and multiplying these individual probabilities
in order to obtain the winning probability for the contractor. (Park, 1966).
These may be calculated by following the same procedure as before and compare
the contractor's bid proposal with the one for each of the competitors on an
individual basis.
data for that comparison is available from table 4 and the results for each
competitor, are given in table 8. The cumulative probabilities for the
contractor to win bids against the individual competitor C1, C2, and C3 are
summerized in table 9 by deducting the cumulative probabilities in table 8 from
By using the multiplication rule, the probabilities for winning against each individual competitor may be multiplied together in order to obtain the probabilities for the contractor to win a bid against three competitors.
the 0% mark-up level the contractor's probability of winning would then be .95 .
.95 . .95 = .857. At 1 %: .689, 2%:.48, 3%:.232, 4%:.149, 5%:.023, 6%:.005.
values are compared with the ones in table 7, which were obtained by using the
relative frequency approach, and are summarized in table 10.
these figures are remarkably similar, the multiplication rule requires that
events are independent. The contractor's bid price and those of the three
competitors are not independent events. On the contrary they are mutually
exclusive and exhaustive, which means that the occurrence of one event precludes
the occurrence of the other and that only one of the events can occur. When
events are mutually exclusive they cannot be independent. (Hays, 1973).
Independence exist only if the probability of one event is not influenced by the
that G denotes the contractor, then for independence to hold p(G I C 1) = p(G),
for all Ci's, i = 1, 2, 3. This indicates that if the probability of C 1 is
known the probability of G would stay the same and the multiplication rule would
be valid, which is not the case.
controversy brought about the suggestion that the Bayes' theorem would be a
better approach towards establishing the probabilities for the contractor to win
against the three competitors. (Lifson, 1982). In order to use the Bayes'
theorem the events need to be dependent and mutually exclusive. Although not
individually independent, pair-wise independence may well exist. (Goldberg,
1986), in which case this scenario may be described as a pair-wise comparison
among the pairs (G - C1), (G - C2) and (G - C3). For the multiplication rule to
be valid independence must then exist among the pairs (C 1 - C2), (C 1 - C3) and
(C2 - C3).
the Bayes' theorem this pair-wise comparison can be shown diagrammatically in a
probability tree as given in figure 7.
.95 probabilities in figure 7 are obtained from table 9 at the level of 0% mark-up.
"a priori" probability for each competitor is 1 /3, as each has an
equally likely chance of occurring, if the assumptions hold.
"a posterior" probability is then calculated by using the Bayes'
formula as follows: p(C1 /W 1) = p(C1) , p(W1 / C1) / (p(C1) . p(W1 / C1) +
p(C2). p(W2 / C2) + p(C3). p(W3 / C3)]. (Goldberg, 1986).
probability of winning for the contractor, at the level of 0% mark-up, against
the three competitors is the summation of W1 +W2 +W3 = 1/3 . (.95) + 1/3 . (.95)
+ 1/3 . (.95) = .95. This amounts to nothing more then averaging the individual
probabilities for the three competitors. This is accomplished for each level of
mark-up and the results tabulated in table 1.
same table gives the comparison with the probabilities in table 10.
Theoretically, pair-wise independence has not been dealt with abundantly in the
literature, and its validity here is questioned when the results are compared
with the ones given in table 11.
purposes of father analysis the probabilities, obtained from the methodology of
the actual determined relative frequencies, will be used.
that the contractor's cost estimate is $2,500,000.00 and that the loss of
investment, if bid is lost, is $20,000.00.
be able to chose an alternative, in this case one of the projects, again use is
made of the concept for optimization of the expected monetary value (EMS, in the
manner as used before.
tabular form the EMV's are summerized in table 12:
can be seen from the calculations, the maximum amount of expected profit is
again to the concept of the EMV, the contractor should chose the alternative,
which maximizes the return on investment, which is the one with the $15,000.00
profit at the 2% level of the mark-up. The probability of winning the bid is .5
or 50%. However the contractor is anxious to employ the available resources and
may decide not to persue this particular option. Instead the contractor will be
looking for the alternative that best serves the objectives for keeping his work
force productive and taking the appropriate kind of risk.
is therefore made of the utility function as previously established in figure 5.
scaling the amounts of profits to be made for each level of mark-up on the
utility function, the utility values for each profit margin is measured.
utility value for losing the bid is .19 utiles for the $20,000.00, as measured
from the utility curve. Summerizing, these values are given in table 13.
the figures in table 13 the expected utility values can be determined by
multiplying the probabilities of winning and losing with the respective utility
values for the profits as indicated. Table 14 gives these calculations. The
alternative with the highest utility value, which is the alternative at the 1 %
level of the mark-up, is chosen for the bid proposal. As can be seen this
alternative has a probability .650 or 65% of being successful and deviates from
the choice made under the EMV calculations, which was the third alternative at
the 2% level of the mark-up.
conclusion it may be stated that the methodology for establishing probabilities
by using relative frequencies in order for the contractor to win certain
projects appears to be the most feasible, but also the most cumbersome.
order to improve decision making a clear rational approach, consistent with the
principles and axioms spelled out herein, is necessary. Uncertainty is involved
in every decision problem to be faced. Probability as a measure of uncertainty
maybe based on both judgmental factors or historical data, as is the case
subject of judgement has its inherent ramifications. But so has the relative
frequency approach. Who is to say that the pattern from historical data will
follow through into the next problem situation, indicating that regardless of
the results obtained judgement still needs to be exercised.
utility theory for risk assessment also has to overcome the hurdles of
judgemental factors by substituting certainty for a lottery. These judgements
are no doubt subject to human error. However these will improve as experience is
gained and this approach is used as a means to provide a consistent and rational
methodology for gaining meaningful experience.
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