Symbolic Modeling in Engineering: A Complementary Course in Civil Engineering Curriculum
Introduction and Course Motivation Engineering can be modeled in three ways: (1) Numeric modeling, e.g., uses the strength of a column for structural analysis, (2) Graphic modeling, e.g., uses lines, polygons and boxes to represent the shape of a column in three dimensions, and (3) Non-numeric (symbolic) modeling, e.g., uses words to describe the shape and the material of a column. Similarly, the engineering processes can be analyzed in two ways: (1) Quantitatively, e.g., structural analysis, fluid mechanics, etc., and (2) Qualitatively, e.g., algorithms, safety analysis, planning, etc. Most of the courses taught in civil engineering focus on the numeric aspects of the field, and approach civil engineering problems quantitatively. For example, the Civil and Environmental Engineering department at Stanford University offers three times as many classes that focus on qualitative aspects as the ones that focus on quantitative aspects of civil engineering (Stanford Bulletin 1998-1999). In spite of this quantitative focus in the civil engineering curriculum, after graduation, young engineers often find themselves working on the non-numeric aspects of their jobs, such as safety analysis, project planning, and layout planning. This suggests that in addition to numeric models, it is important to have a formalized set of approaches to model and understand the symbolic aspects of our field. Artificial Intelligence techniques allow development of non-numeric (symbolic) tools to analyze engineering processes qualitatively. Consequently, the approaches developed in Artificial Intelligence together with object-oriented programming can be applied to non-numeric aspects of civil engineering and construction management. In construction, we continuously deal with objects. Some of these objects are physical, such as columns, beams, and crew, and some of them are more abstract, such as construction activities (Figure 1). These objects have different attributes, namely numeric, non-numeric and relationship attributes. For example, a column has some numeric attributes, such as its length, width and height, as well as symbolic (non-numeric) attributes, such as its material. Similarly, an activity can have numeric attributes, such as its duration, early start and early finish dates, as well as symbolic attributes, such as predecessors, successors and crew type. There are three types of relationship attributes between different objects: (1) Numeric relationships, e.g., an increase in the quantity of resources assigned to an activity decreases the duration of an activity according to a numeric formula, (2) Non-numeric relationships, e.g., an activity precedes another activity, and (3) Hybrid relationships, e.g., Column 1 and Column 2 supports Beam 1 where the symbolic "support" relationship can be determined after quantitative structural analysis of the frame. As a result, to be able to adequately model a construction operation, it is important to define physical and abstract objects and their numeric, non-numeric and relationship attributes.
Figure 1. Example of physical and abstract objects used in construction and their numeric, symbolic and relationship attributes. Note that the symbolic attributes are written in bold and that the relationship attributes are italicized. Currently, there is a trend in the construction management research area to use symbolic models and Artificial Intelligence techniques to formalize, describe and analyze complex engineering processes, devices and systems. Examples of the research projects that incorporate symbolic models to address construction management problems include the research done by Akinci and Fischer (1998), Aalami (1998), Thomsen (1998), Clayton et al. (1996), Christiansen (1994), Fruchter (1993), Cohen (1992) Froese (1992), Reddy (1992), Fischer (1991), Kunz (1991), Waugh (1990), and Darwiche et al. (1988). The Center for Integrated Facility Engineering (CIFE), an industry affiliates program of the Civil and Environmental Engineering and Computer Science departments at Stanford University, fosters research projects that apply symbolic modeling in addressing civil engineering and construction management problems. Some of these research projects developed at CIFE are successfully adapted by different companies in the construction industry. The final section of this paper discusses a sample of the CIFE research projects that apply symbolic modeling approaches to address challenging civil engineering tasks. There is also an increasing trend among companies that provide technological support for the Architectural/Engineering/Construction (A/E/C) industry to model processes using symbolic modeling. The standardization efforts led by IAI (Industry Alliance for Interoperability) and STEP (Standard for the Exchange of Product Model Data) provide a library of standard definitions of A/E/C components, their attributes and relationships. As a result of these standardization efforts, there will be seamless data exchange and interoperability between different civil engineering and construction management software applications, such as computer aided design (CAD), cost estimating and scheduling software applications. Traditional CAD software applications represent building components graphically as lines and polygons, which are not useful for any engineering and construction management applications. With standardization, when an architect draws a column in a CAD software, it will be created as a column object for all the related applications, such as scheduling and cost estimating. Consequently, these applications will be able to utilize the necessary data related to that column to automatically generate a construction schedule and a cost estimate. With this growing trend both in the industry and academia for modeling building components symbolically as objects and using these objects to automate construction engineering and management tasks, such as scheduling and cost estimating, construction managers need to have a good understanding of symbolic modeling approaches to take advantage of the next generation of software applications. The next two sections describe the educational objectives of this class and the class organization. The last section provides examples of Ph. D. research studies launched from this class.
Course Objectives The Symbolic Modeling in Engineering course is designed to achieve four objectives listed below. The class organization, which is composed of class discussions, readings, assignments, labs and term project, directly support these four objectives (Table 1).
The course reader provides various symbolic modeling representation and reasoning examples from different fields, such as facility management , organizational modeling , assembly sequencing , construction planning , and construction information modeling . Additional examples are provided during class discussions. The class discussions, assignments and labs focus on both the basic engineering knowledge being represented and different approaches for symbolic representation and qualitative reasoning. Students are asked to discuss both organizational and technical factors, which determine the architecture of a symbolic modeling system. Moreover, they are encouraged to investigate specific alternative representations of entities (e.g., building components), relationships between entities, functional constraints of entities and behaviors of entities. Relating models to business objectives and limits. Class discussions and assignments emphasize formalization of business problems and the use of symbolic models to support business objectives. For the term project, student groups create a business plan to develop some technology, create and demonstrate a proof-of-concept prototype of their proposed development, and build an argument about how the business plan and demonstration complement each other.
Through Lab demonstrations and hands-on programming tasks, the students learn basic representation, reasoning and user interface technologies. The objective is to learn to use computational modeling tools for developing symbolic models of products and processes. The class uses PowerModelÒ , a C-based object-oriented applications development shell, which runs on Sun computers under UNIX. This software is easy enough to be usable by students who have not been exposed to any object-oriented languages, such as C++ or Java. Consequently, students quickly develop basic programming skills to develop their own symbolic models for the term project.
In an "hourglass" metaphor, engineering involves identifying and conceptualizing a problem (the top of hourglass), selecting and applying a solution method (the narrow passage), and applying results (the lower container of hourglass). The class focuses on all three aspects of the engineering. The students identify and conceptualize ill-structured problems, develop qualitative methods to analyze them, and then do testing and write proposals to interpret their results. In addition to these four learning objectives, the symbolic modeling class emphasizes and enhances the improvement of broad intellectual process skills that all of us have, to some extent, but which all of us can improve. The class organization is designed to enhance the following five skills (Table 2):
Students work in small (2-3 person) teams for all assignments and the term project. The compositions of student teams change for each assignment to increase the learning from each student's experience. The term project involves both small and large-group collaboration depending on how students form their groups and define their project scope. Developing skills to work effectively in teams and learning from each team members' experience exponentially increase the learning curve of students.
Learning by doing. Modeling as an engineering practice can be learned only by doing it. The class emphasizes hands-on experience during class discussions and through assignments and term project.
Engineering as a field involves both making and testing hypotheses. The class gives relatively formal theoretical background that can be used to create hypotheses about how things can be described, and it encourages testing student hypotheses with both quick mental experiments and using proof-of-concept computer demonstrations.
In engineering practice, and in symbolic modeling, cookbook solutions rarely can be used directly for interesting problems. We must modify existing approaches and design new solutions. We must exercise judgment in design and application of our solutions. The symbolic modeling course encourages the students to use their critical thinking in reading the course materials. The students are asked during class discussions and assignments to identify the purpose of the research projects described in the papers (including their assumptions and givens), and their representation and reasoning approaches. Communicating effectively. The course emphasizes clear and sharp oral and written communications. Classes are designed and executed as open discussion forums. Clear, sharp, concise, and responsive communication is required in written assignments.
Course Organization The symbolic modeling is a 4-unit class offered in one quarter per academic year. It is open to all undergraduate and graduate students since symbolic modeling is applicable to all disciplines. The majority of the students are graduate civil engineering students focusing on construction management field. However, the class has always attracted students from a variety of backgrounds, such as, Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Economics Systems/Operations Research, Economics, Medical Informatics, Computer Science, and Industrial Engineering. Class is organized around five elements:
Three hours per week are allocated for class discussions. The students are expected to read the class material beforehand and actively participate in the class. The class follows an open format and promotes collaborative learning method. The instructor uses expert clusters approach , where participants form small groups to discuss an assigned topic and after discussing the groups report their findings to the large group, to enhance the students comprehension of the important topics. Group discussion approach is used when discussing the course readings and assignments. The discussions and questions are mostly directed back to the group. For example, all classroom participants address a question raised by a student, instead of the instructor providing an answer. The instructor brings real engineering problems to the class and all of the students are expected to actively participate in discussion to define an approach to address that problem. An example of such a problem is the site layout problem where the goal is to develop a site layout that assigns the required space for trailers, crane, storage areas, access roads within the site, and that maximizes the adjacency requirements of these components. Students define the objects and attributes that are necessary to represent this problem and apply the configuration method discussed in the class to address this problem.
The course readings are designed around two goals: (1) To teach core symbolic modeling approaches and mechanisms , and (2) To discuss symbolic modeling samples from different domains .
There are five laboratory sessions, one per week, for the first five weeks of the quarter. These labs provide hands-on experience with a symbolic modeling tool. The labs are designed so that each week's tutorial demonstrates a symbolic modeling reasoning and representation approach. Consequently, students experience the theoretical foundations in action. The labs also provide an environment where students get one-on-one response to their questions. After the 5th week, the lab times are used for the development of the term project. The instructor and the teaching assistant continue to be present at the lab to address the students' questions as they arise while implementing their concepts.
There are assignments every week during the quarter. Three of the weekly assignments (Proof of Concept Technical Plan, Proof of Concept Summary and Proposal) are allocated for the term project. Students work in groups consisting of two students for each assignment. To promote learning from each other's experience, students are required to pair up with a different person for each assignment. All of the assignments submitted are posted on the web after the deadline, and students are encouraged to read other groups' assignments to understand and evaluate other groups' approaches. The assignments promote clear and concise writing as well as responding to all of the questions being asked. It is expected from students that all written assignments have a professional content, organization and appearance without any grammatical and spelling flaws.
The students team up consisting of 2-3 people per team to address an engineering problem of their interest using symbolic models. Project teams write a proposal for a symbolic model-based system and build a proof-of-concept demonstration in support of the proposal. The proposal is especially useful for students to match the purposes of their research to the purposes of their prototype model. Many of the term projects developed in this class have formed the basis for many students' Ph. D. theses. Some of these Ph. D. theses are in turn commercialized in the construction industry. The section below discusses some of these Ph. D. research projects initiated from the Symbolic Modeling in Engineering course.
Ph. D. Research Projects Initiated from the Symbolic Modeling in Engineering Course The approaches discussed in the Symbolic Modeling in Engineering course have influenced many Ph. D. students in formalizing their works. These Ph. D. works are grouped according to their fields:
Many of the Ph. D. students mentioned above are currently working in the universities and educating the next generation of construction managers and the construction management professors about the significance of symbolic modeling for the construction industry. Others are working in the private sector, and using the commercialized products, they are enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of construction professionals and making them realize the capabilities of symbolic modeling.
Conclusion The Symbolic Modeling in Engineering course complements the civil engineering curriculum by providing non-numeric modeling and qualitative reasoning approaches needed for addressing certain engineering problems. For the last ten years, the class has successfully educated students from various backgrounds about symbolic modeling. The symbolic modeling approaches taught in the class has helped several Ph. D. students to formalize their research approaches in addressing certain civil engineering problems. Previous graduates of the class are now impacting the construction industry by either applying symbolic modeling for the development of tools that enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the construction professionals, or educating the next generation of construction managers about the capabilities of non-numeric modeling and qualitative reasoning.
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