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ASC Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference
California Polytechnic State University - San Luis Obispo, California
April  1988              pp  93-101




William W. Badger and Marv Carson

Arizona State University
Tempe, Arizona





The Construction Division at Arizona State University (ASU) has continued its development of a construction oriented electronic bulletin board system (BBS). The contents of this BBS are accessible by students, faculty, or anyone having a computer terminal and modem. The research and development of this system began early in 1986 and has since received and serviced over 15,000 calls. Details of the original BBS were published in the Twenty-third Annual Proceedings of the Associated Schools of Construction (ASC) in April, 1987.


The original concepts developed for the prototype system have proven to be a solid foundation, permitting implementation of many new powerful and easy to use features by both system operators (Sysops) and callers/users. Many new features have enhanced the systems former networking capability. Networking allows connection of any number of individual systems to one another by time-scheduled program instructions.


During early morning hours, the network systems go into a processing mode and exchange contents with all other systems in the network. Refreshed daily with new contents, each BBS continues to provide incentive to its callers to participate in message discussions and contribute useful programs and data. New message and file contributions by callers are also shared with other systems, continuing a productive communication cycle.


This document presents a review of the earlier prototype system and overview of the current construction BBS network project.


The original research targeted the development of a prototype system and has been achieved. Our current goal is the creation of a fully operational national network of such systems. The Construction Net software development and the information in this paper should provide half of the requirements for achieving that goal. The remaining half requires ASC schools to set up their own individual systems and participate in the network project.





In April, 1986 the ASC requested ASU to create and host a BBS for construction activities. The BBS had to operate with personal computers currently used in most ASC colleges and universities. The software had to be easy to use, reliable, economical, and capable of automatically exchanging data with similar systems.


The FIDO BBS software easily met this criteria and became the foundation for FidoNet, the world's first and largest private telecommunications network. A customized version of this software was set up as a BBS host in Phoenix and given the name 'Construction Net #1" and another in Tempe, Arizona and named "Construction Net t2". In addition to being 'connected' to one another by scheduled data transfer instructions, both these systems are networked with twenty other systems in the Phoenix area and with more than 2500 other systems located throughout the world.


FidoNet is an organization of voluntary participants and is guided by the contents of a policy document. This document outlines the hierarchy of the network as follows:

·        Zones   - A zone is a large geographic area containing many regions, and covering one or more countries and/or continents. Three zones are currently defined:
o       Zone 1 - North and South America
o       Zone 2 - Europe
o       Zone 3 - Australia, South Pacific, and Southeast Asia
·        Regions - A region is a well defined geographic area containing nodes which may or may not be combined into networks. A typical region will contain many nodes in networks, and a few independent nodes, which are not a part of any network.           For example, Region 15 includes Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Utah and Wyoming.
·        Net-- A net is a collection of nodes, usually in a relatively small geographic area that may include one or more nearby cities. Networks coordinate their mail activity to decrease cost and increase delivery speed. Phoenix NET 114, for example, includes 24 individual BBS nodes connected together with a special routing topology.
·        Hubs- A hub is a subdivision of a network that assists in network management by routing mail to, and by coordinating for, a collection of nodes in that network. In general only the larger networks will have hubs. Construction Net #1 serves as a hub to six nodes in Net 114.
·        Nodes- A node is a single BBS with a FidoNet address, and is the smallest recognized unit of FidoNet. Each node is a BBS and/or mail system. Construction Net #1 has been assigned the node number 20 in Net 114. It's full network address appears as 1:114/20 (Zone 1, Net 114, Node 20)
·        Points - A point is a node on a private network which is accessible through a node on FidoNet. A point may be setup for frequent users to receive mail automatically.
·        The. FidoNet policy document also describes procedures and duties of the voluntary coordinators of the zones, regions, and nets. Among other duties, the primary responsibility of coordinators is maintaining and distributing an official list of network addresses with names and phone numbers of every node. This is done somewhat automatically on a weekly basis. Network Sysop responsibilities are described in this document as well.


In general, the FidoNet Policy document requires adherence to only two main rules:


1)      Thou shalt not excessively annoy others.

2)      Thou shalt not be too easily annoyed.


FidoNet has fast become the popular standard for amateur telecommunication networks. Other BBS software programs are now compatible with the FidoNet mail transfer protocol. These programs are now available for other hardware types, such as the Apple MacIntosh. These may also be used as Construction Net host BBS' but will require substantial software modifications and will lack flexibility and features.


Construction Net software includes many software programs that have been specially customized to provide a new Sysop with fast installation and easy maintenance. Currently, the Construction Net software system is only available for the IBM-PC/AT and compatible type machines.

As new systems participate in Construction Net, their individual node numbers are assigned by the appropriate region or net coordinator of each location. When ten or so Construction Net systems are functional, a private net number will be assigned. This will facilitate expediency in our future development.





The Construction Net system has continued improvement with new software programs and techniques. The productive communication cycle described above has additionally been evidenced by rapid improvements in this network communication technology. Many talented software programmers are among the thousands of BBS Sysops who exchange daily messages with other faceless names.


Continuously, these electronic discussions involve problems, ideas, and ultimately new software program solutions. These programs are then publicized and generously distributed throughout the network. Shortly after wide use of these programs, ideas for improvements evolve and this self-perpetuating cycle repeats itself. Often, programs originating from this process become the combined effort of many "formally unacquainted partners'. Opus CBCS (Computer Based Conversation System), the BBS currently used by Construction Net, is an excellent example of this combined effort. The Opus BBS software is now used in lieu of the original Fido BBS software. The FidoNet protocol continues to be utilized by Opus BBS systems for network mail activities.


The name Opus (Latin for "project") was appropriately chosen by its primary author, Wynn Wagoner III. In the Opus Sysop Manual, he gives credit and gratitude to 16 individuals. He calls this 'Opus: Sine Qua Non' (the list of folks, without whom there would be no Opus). These folks, from all around the United States and Europe contributed highly specialized program components helping to make Opus CBCS one of the most versatile' and powerful BBS software programs ever written. Opus, since its first release only a year ago, has gone through two major revisions. Also, since first being released, there have been over one hundred special utility programs or files written to enhance the Opus CBCS software and some these are discussed below.





After over a year of experience using the original Fido BBS system, new procedures are now being used in addition to the changes in software. Many of these changes have been implemented to reduce the Sysop's time and attention. Familiarity with PC­DOS (Personal Computer Disk Operating System) and word processing still remains a strong requirement for a Construction Net Sysop.


The main system files are contained on a computer's hard disk in a special file directory. Directories or Subdirectories are created with DOS commands for storing related files separately from other related files. Other directories are provided for miscellaneous and help files as well as a separate directory for each file area and message area. Directories for message and file areas may be created automatically from the special Sysop Menu.


Many parts of the Construction, Net system use "configuration" files. These are ASCII text type files and have become a popular method for customizing various programs. Using word processor or text editor, setup options are selected by "un-commenting" the choices. Uncommenting a setup option means removing comment characters such as the % (percent sign) or a ; (semi-colon) that appears as the first character in a line of text representing the selected option.


A compiler utility program is then run, converting the un-commented text file information into a compacted and faster parameter file used by the system. Lines that are "commented-out" are ignored.


With a word processor or text editor many new custom features may easily be added by simply creating a file and giving it a filename with a special filename extension. Opus software utilizes special imbedded control characters within text files that provide color and other display attributes such as animation. Also, these imbedded commands permit the Sysop to create multi-level menu options wherein each selection may display any other information text file or actually call up and execute external software programs. This is similar to a very simple form of programming, attaching "if-then-else" type instructions to options selected by the callers/users.





The information contained in the following three paragraphs have been condensed from more than 100 pages of detailed instructions in several reference manuals.


The electronic mail process uses several external program files for its functions. Network addresses (and phone numbers) of all the network systems are in a generic file called a NODELIST. The nodelist is automatically updated each week by the arrival' of another file called NODEDIFF. A file called XLATLIST processes a new nodelist, adjusting phone number area codes and other special needs local to each system. The resulting file is then compiled to increase speed when it is used by the system. It is used when a Sysop or caller wishes to send messages and/or files to another network system. It is also used by the system for automatic network mail activities.


Various features of electronic mail are controlled by a built-in scheduler program and other utility program files. Scheduler data contains times that mailing and automatic maintenance events are to occur. The system constantly monitors and compares the current time with those in the schedule. Users are prevented access to the system when they call within ten minutes of a scheduled event. Likewise, their online time is limited to the amount of time left before the next event is scheduled. When a mail time occurs, the BBS system goes offline and executes mail processing batch files. These batch files use a mail processing utility called CONFMAIL (Conference Mail). Each mail event is actually divided into three separate steps.


In the first step, CONFMAIL utility program scans all the message areas for new messages. It then compares the message area of the new messages with the areas designated in a file called AREAS. BBS or ECHO.CTL. This file contains area numbers, echo area names, and the Net/Node addresses of the systems to or from whom new messages will be sent or received. Messages contain hidden 'SEEK-BY lines telling CONFMAIL which messages have been "seen" by the other systems it sends to, avoiding unnecessary re-preparation time delays and duplicity. CONFMAIL then packs the UNseen messages into "packet" files. These packet files are then further packed into ARChive files by the ARC utility and are attached to "send" messages for each addressee.


During the second step, the "send" messages, with their attached ARCMAIL files, are generated into the special NetMail message area and outgoing calls are automatically placed. Upon connection, both systems exchange signals and transfer their messages. Between calls, the system waits for incoming calls from other systems having message files to drop off. While connected, during either an incoming or outgoing call, each system delivers to the other. Unsuccessful connection or transfer attempts are repeated until the end of the mail time. Failed transfers are held for the next mail event. Details of each mail time activity are held in a special log file for later reference and diagnosis if required.


The third step occurs at the end of each mail event. CONFMAIL examines the newly arrived ARCMAIL files and extracts the packets and messages. New messages are compared against existing ones and accidental duplicate messages are ignored. By comparing hidden area name information in each message with those in the echo control file, the individual messages are then "tossed" into their appropriate numbered message area. The new messages are assigned sequential numbers from the next highest message number of the existing messages in each area. CONFMAIL then examines the new messages for replies to existing messages, and where applicable, links them to an original message. This linking provides the "threaded" reply chain feature in each message area. To speed the pre-mail process for the next mail time, the above first step is repeated, adding any new­messages to ARCmail files and holding them. The

• sent" messages and message archive files are then deleted and the NetMail message area undergoes minor renumbering maintenance. The system then resets itself, and waits for a caller or the next event.


Currently, these three steps are repeated for each of four mail time 'windows'. The National Mail Hour (NMH) occurs for the Phoenix, Arizona area from 02:00 to 03:00 every day.         This one hour

• moment in time" is the same for all systems in the network world-wide. Actual local NMH time for systems in other parts of the country and the world is measured in plus or minus hours from Greenwich Mean Time (ie, GMT•7 for Mountain Standard Time in the U.S.) Three 'local windows' are scheduled for 03:00, 11:00, and 17:30 daily and last for thirty minutes each. The PRE-mail and POST-mail processing events last only for a few minutes at the beginning and end of mail times.





Other events are also provided in the schedule. Currently, because several thousand messages for many different message area topics may arrive daily, fixed disk storage space can easily be consumed. This is avoided by a special maintenance event scheduled at 03:30 daily. Using CONFMAIL's maintenance routines, older messages in each areas are deleted to save storage space.


Other maintenance routines may also be invoked such as disk optimization, directory sorting and resetting the system date and time. Disk optimization is a process of rewriting the entire fixed disk file contents into a physically sequential order to remedy file storage fragmentation that occurs by frequent file deletions and additions.


Directory sorting rearranges the sequence of all files in each directory. Both of these routines increases a system's speed. Occasionally the time or date of a system's battery-backed clock/calendar must be reset. A utility named USNO automatically dials the U.S. Naval Observatory atomic clock and accurately resets the system clock. This routine may be scheduled once a week and takes less than a minute. Once a month, system usage reports may also be generated from a variety of available utilities.


Schedules normally provide for an event type called a CRASH or CONTINUOUS MAIL event. This new feature allows priority mail or files to be sent and processed instantly at any time other than a regularly scheduled mail event. After a system receives a CRASH call from another system, the BBS goes offline and processes the newly arrived files as described above. Or if, for example, the file NODEDIFF arrived, the system tests for this and the network nodelist update processing would occur.





Construction Net systems now permit FREQs (File Requests). When a Sysop or user knows what files he or she wishes, a file request command may be issued that automatically dials up the system, and retrieves those files. This saves much time by avoiding the normal formalities of logging onto the BBS, moving through the necessary screen displays to get to the files section, entering the necessary download commands to receive it, and then logging off.


By file requesting the special name "FILES", a file is delivered containing a list of the names, sizes, dates, and descriptions of all the files available on the system. Requesting the 'ABOUT" file delivers a descriptive text file with information about each individual network system such as mail time schedules, Sysop name and voice phone number, etc. Several new public domain file request programs are available so anyone may utilize this feature.


Another new feature provides callers with "Point System" capabilities. By using BINKLEY and other special program files, users may send mail anywhere in the network or receive mail from anywhere in the network through a host network BBS system called a 'BOSS". The term 'Point' refers to extended Net/Node addressing whereby participating users are assigned point numbers beyond their host Boss (ie, 114/20.7, where the .7 designates a specific user). In this way users can now enjoy electronic mail and file transfers without the necessity of calling another network BBS or setting up and ,operating one of their own. Points are served by host BBS systems in much the same way as host BBS' serve one another in their network activities. This feature is handy for linking faculty automatically to their local Construction Net system and providing electronic mail among other faculty members.





Callers are now recommended to use Telix or Binkley communication software when calling a Construction Net BBS. Previously, the Procomm software was recommended and still remains a good choice. Telix is quite similar in operation to Procomm but offers additional automation (fewer keystrokes) and faster file transfer protocols among many other features.


The Binkley program permits POLLING and FREQs. Polling means calling a host system to see if anything is being held for the caller and if so, retrieving the held messages or files. All of these programs provide for "scripting". Among other uses, scripting is a short text file containing the callers name and password. This script file is used with the communication software dialing directory and automatically logs a caller onto a BBS, saving keystrokes and time.

A first time caller (new user) is now permitted access to almost all areas of the system but is given limited time and quantity of files he may download. They are requested to provide their first name, last name, a password they wish to use, their telephone number for verification, age, occupation, city and state. They may later select and answer a registration questionnaire, thus providing additional information to the Sysop.


First time callers are given several setup prompts which may later be changed. These prompts are of the Yes/No variety and appear in brackets (n,Y] whereby the upper case character is the 'default' choice selected by simply hitting the Enter key on their keyboard. Entering a Y or N (in upper or lower case) is also acceptable. Menu option functionality is consistent throughout the system. Selecting a typical menu option requires entering a single letter of a particular choice.


Callers using a color display monitor and setting their communication software configuration to use ANSI graphics, may answer YES to the prompt, 'Does your system support ANSI screen controls? (y,N]' Doing so will enable the caller to enjoy a colorful new Construction Net BBS. The shades and colors used in some areas produce a three-dimensional depth effect on a callers screen.


Answering Y, for yes, to the prompt, 'Do you wish to use the Full-Screen Editor? (y,Nl' will provide another new feature while entering messages in the message section. The new Full-Screen Editor option provides editing features similar to word processing programs. This option also provides for 'quoting'.


Quoting is used as a context reminder when replying to another message. It automatically copies lines of an existing original message with a '>' character at the beginning of each line into the new message. New message lines may be inserted between quoted lines or simply added below them.


Answering N, for no, or simply hitting the Enter Key (accepting the default for no) at the prompt, 'Do you wish to use the Full-Screen Editor? [y,N]' gives the user the older and simpler line-oriented editor for entering messages.


Following log-on and for several successive calls, a new user (rookie) is recognized as such and is offered immediate access to the Construction Net tutorial section described below. The welcome screens are then displayed to a rookie immediately if he does not  wish the tutorial section, or afterward if he does.





Private welcome screens are easily created for individual callers by using a special filename that corresponds to their user record number in the system's user file. They are displayed only to the specific caller for whom the screen file was created. They may contain special greetings, messages, or menus and are displayed just prior to the first welcome screen.



The first welcome screen displayed to a caller may be customized for each Construction Net system. This screen may be a logo, a name of a school or organization, and may contain special messages to all callers. The absence of a private or a first welcome screen atomatically displays the second welcome screen. See illustration, 'First Welcome Screen - Example".


The second welcome screen says 'Welcome to Construction Net" and contains five special menu options as illustrated. These options are as follows:

·           Selecting W - What CNET is All About, currently provides background information to a caller regarding the origin and purpose of Construction Net systems.
·           Selecting L - Latest "HOT" Bulletins, displays current notices and bulletins easily placed there by each system operator.
·           Selecting N - New Mail Waiting For You, automatically checks several message section areas and gives brief details and location of new messages waiting for the caller.
·           Selecting H - Help for *EVERY* Caller, is Construction Net's online tutorial. Selecting this item displays a menu specific help options further described below.

ENTER KEY   - Simply hitting the Enter key exits this screen and immediately displays the Main Menu.


A user may return to this welcome screen menu at anytime by selecting W, for Welcome Menu, from the system's Main Menu. See illustration, 'Welcome Menu Screen".





When option H, Help for *EVERY* Caller, is selected from the Welcome Screen Menu, the online tutorial menu options are displayed. The information available here is recommended for veteran and new users alike. See illustration "ONLINE TUTORIAL". for a description of the tutorial options.





Generally, the menu structure of the current Opus version of the Construction Net BBS system is similar to the previous Fido version. From the Main Menu options, a user may enter either of two main sections, the Message Section or the Files Section or select one of the other options.





The Message Section may be divided into as many as 100 numbered areas. Each area contains messages specific to a particular topic and a menu of options for entering and displaying the messages.


Message areas are setup in a variety of types. Area types include local only, local or national echoes, private only, or some may be hidden and only accessible by entering an access code. Among other uses, hidden areas are useful for private communication among faculty members. Local areas contain messages that only appear on that system. Echo areas contain messages that are automatically transferred to and from other systems in the local or national network. A special message area called NetMail or Matrix provides for manually sending messages with or without attached files directly to any other system in the network instantly or later during scheduled mail events. A special area contains private messages to the Sysop left by users as they are logging off the system.


The illustration below displays message area numbers and message area descriptions currently used. Numbers missing in the sequence are reserved for future use.





The Files Section may also be divided into as many as 100 numbered areas. Each area contains a specific category of related files and a menu of options for examining and/or transferring them. Files in these areas are displayed with descriptions, dates, and sizes. Most of these files have a filename extension of ARC, indicating that it is a packed archive file and may contain many files within it. Program files stored this way saves storage space, transfer time, and frequently contain documentation regarding their use. Text files in these areas may have their contents easily displayed. Some file areas may be hidden and require an access code.


The illustration displays current file area numbers and file area descriptions. Numbers missing in the sequence are reserved for future use.





The Construction Net Opus CBCS is designed to operate unattended at all times. However, the Sysop may invoke commands at the local keyboard to interface with a current caller.


While a user is online, there are a variety of commands the Sysop may enter on the system's local keyboard. Most of these commands and their effects do not appear on the callers screen but enable the sysop to provide help or restrictions to the caller while he is online.





Construction Net systems consist of a personal computer, modem, telephone line and the Construction Net software. The software programs and documentation are available to all from the Construction Division at Arizona State University.


This software requires an IBM PC/AT or compatible computer with PC/MS DOS version 3.1 or higher. Callers may use many other different types of computers or terminals: The host system computer must have a fixed disk storage capacity of at least 20 megabytes and a battery-backed clock/calendar. The fixed disks of the prototype systems have been replaced with 70 and 80 megabyte capacity drives. These larger drives are now recommended. An "AT" type computer with the faster microprocessor is preferred as is the use of a color display monitor. The AT computers use higher capacity floppy diskettes capable of storing three times the information stored on a standard diskette.


A Hayes-compatible dial-up type smart modem with a minimum speed of 2400 baud must be used, however a 9600 baud HST modem is preferred. These High Speed Technology modems easily pay for themselves by reduced long distance call charges. Special manufacturer-direct pricing is available through U.S. Robotics for network host systems only. An RS232 serial port and cable is required for external modems.


A dedicated phone line is also preferred to provide full 24-hour operation, but a system may also operate part time during evenings and weekends. This phone line must be capable of receiving and making outside long distance calls. Because network mail and file exchanges occur in the early morning hours and only for several minutes, toll charges are minimal.


Although, the ready-to-rum Construction Net Opus CBCS software programs and files may be easily copied onto the fixed disk of a new system, minor modifications must be made for each location. To keep these changes to a minimum, it is suggested that fixed disk drive C be used for the software and CON Port 2 be designated for the modem. In addition to this software, a variety of selected public domain files are provided for use in the Files Section.


The "Construction Net User Manual" for distribution to -users includes a guide for setting up communication software and calling Construction Net BBS systems. It has been recommended that these manuals be sold by construction student groups to help compensate the cost of the host BBS system hardware and telephone line. Communication software may also be included in this package.


A 'Fast Setup and Maintenance Guide' is provided to help a new installation be achieved within a couple of hours under normal circumstances. Automatic routines can reduce a Sysops time requirements for maintenance to an hour or so per week.


The 'Construction Net Sysop Manual' will provide a complete and detailed reference for all software system functions, consolidating existing documentation. Among many other items, this manual also details the procedures for creating custom screens and menus for the more adventurous Sysops. Most importantly, Sysops will also use their special message section for discussing system setup techniques with other Sysops in the network.


In conclusion, the research and development of this software has been completed. Now, the success of implementing a national ASC network requires participation by other ASC schools. The Construction Division at ASU will continue to study and implement new features and provide assistance to new Construction Net Sysops.




The authors wish to thank Professor Vern L. Hastings, past Director of the Division of Construction at ASU for his continued support and financing.


A National AGC Computer Subcommittee used a private section of the BBS Opus board for a continuing conference exercise. We thank Ms. Donna Fisher of Kitchell Construction Company for her help with this special operation.


We thank the staff of Original Solution Inc., Phoenix, Arizona for their technical expertise and providing software and hardware equipment 24 hours a day for the past two years. OSI provides consulting, software, and training exclusively for construction companies in Arizona. Hundreds of companies in the Southwest have been helped by OSI' to increase their productivity and profitability.


We also wish to thank Professor Charlie Shing's involvement as the new ASU sysop. He worked closely with Professor Marv Carson on a recent proposal for the National AGC's William A. Klinger Memorial Award. This proposal requests funding to assist establishing a national construction BBS network of ASC schools.


Our greatest thanks to Mr. Wynn Wagoner, III, primary author of Opus CBCS for sharing his talents and software and to the many other Opus utility software authors. Their efforts have made the Construction Net software development an enjoyable ,project.